It’s a joyful and gratifying experience, but also one that comes with a lot of responsibility, to welcome a new puppy into your house. You have a significant impact on the health and behavior of your furry pet as a puppy. We’ve selected the TOP 5 advice for puppy parents to assist you in navigating the early stages of puppyhood and laying the groundwork for a lifetime of enjoyment. These recommendations will assist you in giving your new companion the greatest start in life, from ensuring their health to encouraging excellent behavior.

1. Prioritize Pet Insurance

Consider pet insurance for your puppy in the same way that you prepare for life’s uncertainties with your own health insurance. These plans provide peace of mind in the event of unanticipated veterinary costs and may be customized to match your unique requirements. Since pups often don’t have any pre-existing problems, insurance is economical throughout their formative years.

Pet insurance may help with a variety of costs, including emergency operations, sophisticated diagnostic procedures, complementary treatments like acupuncture, and much more. You can rest easy knowing your puppy will be able to receive the finest treatment without worrying about the financial impact of unanticipated health difficulties by getting insurance.

2. Protect Developing Immunity

Due to their immature immune systems, puppies are more prone to illness, including the Parvovirus, which is very infectious. Even after receiving their first injections, your puppy should be protected from infection sources.

As long as your puppy hasn’t had all of its shots and been given the all-clear by your veterinary team at CAWLM, keep them away from public areas like dog parks. By taking this precaution, you are protecting your puppy’s health at a crucial time.

3. Establish Healthy Eating Habits

The development and general health of your puppy depend heavily on a healthy diet. In order to guarantee that puppies get the proper mix of nutrients during this critical growth time, it is important to establish good eating habits early.

Consult with your veterinarian to identify the best options when choosing a food for your dog. Look for puppy diets of a good caliber that provide the necessary nutrients. Some puppies will have specific nutritional requirements due to their expected robust growth spurts, like those seen in large or giant breeds. Make sure you choose a diet that says it’s formulated for large or giant breed puppies when applicable.

4. Maintain Comprehensive Medical Records

Moving to a new state, having to evacuate unexpectedly, or changing veterinarians are just a few examples of the unanticipated scenarios that may occur in life. Maintaining thorough medical records is crucial for easing these changes and putting your puppy’s health first.

Organize and maintain your puppy’s medical records in one place so that you may easily access them when necessary. The history of vaccinations, medical treatments, and any other health-related information should all be included in these records. No matter the situation, having this knowledge at hand guarantees that your puppy will get consistent and knowledgeable care.

5. Address Behavioral Issues Early

Puppies are inherently active and interested, but sometimes they might develop behavioral issues like excessive biting or hostility. Even though these actions may seem adorable in the beginning, as your puppy gets older, they may cause problems.

Address behavioral problems early via appropriate instruction to stop them from becoming potentially dangerous to your family or veterinary staff. For advice and possible remedies, speak with your veterinarian or a veterinary behaviorist. The foundation for an adult dog who is well-behaved and emotionally healthy is laid by early intervention and persistent training.


The path of raising a puppy is one of happiness, difficulties, and unending love. You may give your furry pet the finest start in life by adhering to these top five puppy care advice. You have a major impact on how happy and healthy your puppy will be as a companion in the future by taking care of their safety and health as well as encouraging appropriate behavior and nutrition.

Throughout this journey, keep in mind that your veterinarian is a great resource. Your puppy will develop into a healthy adult dog with regular checkups, vaccines, and expert guidance. Enjoy every minute as you see your puppy grow into a cherished part of your family by embracing this exciting stage of puppyhood.